Oncolys brings highly experienced management team at Oncolys USA Inc. and OPA Therapeutics Inc. to lead new and innovative programs to the patient.

Yasuo Urata
FounderPresident and CEO
Oncolys BioPharma Inc.
Chairman and CEO
Oncolys USA Inc.

Talia Biran
PresidentOncolys USA Inc.

Frank Tufaro
OPA Therapeutics Inc.

Magnus Jaderberg MD, FFPM
Chief Medical OfficerOncolys USA Inc.

Yasuo Urata
FounderPresident and CEO
Oncolys BioPharma Inc.
Chairman and CEO
Oncolys BioPharma Inc.
Mr. Urata served various executive functions at Japan Tobacco pharmaceutical division (JT Pharmaceutical), including Director of R&D Planning. During the time of JT from 1994 to 2004, he launched the innovative HIV drug, Viracept® with Agouron and led many drug development projects such as GVAX project with Cell Genesys and the cancer vaccine project with Corixa. He also, served as clinical project leader mainly for cardiovascular and central nerve system fields at Ono Pharmaceutical Co. He became a member of the Bio Innovation Research Society in 2009.
Mr. Urata became the Executive Officer of Oncolys USA Inc. in 2016. Mr. Urata received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Kyoto Pharmaceutical University.

Talia Biran
PresidentOncolys USA Inc.
Prior to Oncolys, Talia played a pivotal role at Lexicon Pharmaceuticals as Executive Director, where she established the US medical affairs infrastructure for Oncology and Diabetes programs and led the development and launch of Lexicon's first drug candidate, Telotristat Ethyl ( Xermelo, ® Carcinoid Syndrome Diarrhea) (Licensed Ex-US to Ipsen Inc)
Talia holds a Master of Science (M.Sc) in Microbiology from Tel-Aviv University, Department of Life Sciences, in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Her thesis, under the supervision of Professor Sara Lavi, focused on Gene Amplification of SV-40 and its link to tumorigenesis.

Magnus Jaderberg MD, FFPM
Chief Medical OfficerOncolys USA Inc.
Extensive investor relations interactions and network in Europe and USA. Analyst go to person while at Targovax, instrumental in securing listing on the Oslo stock exchange and raising $100 million during 2015 - 2021.
Honorary Lecturer in drug development at King’s College, London 2005 – 2010. Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom and the Royal Society of Medicine.